Home » Langlade Research Station
Langlade Research Station

A partnership between UW-Extension, WPVGA and Langlade County since 1975
Langlade County Airport, Antigo, Wisconsin
Corner of Hwy 52 and Hwy 64
The Langlade Agricultural Research Station is operated by the University of Wisconsin Extension on behalf of the Wisconsin potato industry. The operation of the farm is supported financially through the Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association by the Wisconsin Potato Industry Board and through industry support by the Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers (Associate Division.)
Research has been conducted both by investigators from the University of Wisconsin as well as local county agents since 1968. Because Antigo silt loam is a soil unique from other UW Research Stations, the plots at the farm provide scientists and growers a research-based representation of this soil type. Which is represents a substantial percentage of potato acreage in the state.
Many in-kind donations are made to the farm in the form of fertilizer, seed potatoes, custom work, and equipment.
The farm is managed on a three-four year rotation in the main experiment field with an additional field managed in continuous potatoes for the purpose of maintaining potato scab inoculum for potato scab research.
A crop integrated weather station reports crop canopy conditions for disease forecasting on the
For more information about the research stations contact:
Kevin Gallenberg
Email: kgallenberg@wisc.edu